Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Lets talk Punjab. What will it be - Drugs? Desert-ification?Unemployment?Mafia?Industry?

What goes on behind the scenes of an NDTV Town Hall? Does responsible journalism even exist in India? Who are the good guys of Punjab - the lesser evil? What are the real problems?

So my involvement or influence in Punjab Politics is next to negligible, but I have an opinion and that I believe is important these days. Having observed the world, world politics and understanding consciousness from the keen eyes of someone willing experiences to happen, my journey has helped me to develop a holistic approach. Life gave many opportunities to develop a macro view of the world, to see the world for what it is, and last year fate brought me closer to Punjab Politics than I had ever really cared to be. 

I’ve had the opportunity to view the working of the Akali Dal govt. machinery from close quarters – working as an outsider who was treated as an insider. I was responsible for their Image turnaround using Social Media and capitalising on the resources available both with the Government and the Party. This meant understanding the initiatives they were running on the ground, collecting information and putting it out there in a way that creates an air of positivism all around. This also included comparatives and creating avenues or outlets where their supporters could voice concerns, have their voice heard and be trained in the nuances of creating and influencing public perception and political voice.

The biggest problem I see today is the problem of Media bias. Be it print media, or digital media, every journalist I have come across is in some way affiliated to a political party or a politician. If the journalist himself does not hold any such affiliation, their producers or editors are in a position to issue specific instructions about what aspects and what stories to cover or not to cover. The real issues that affect people on a day to day basis are more often than not – simply missed out. Lack of foresight and officers of the Punjab Govt. who have started seeing themselves as the be all, end all, highly opinionated political leaders akin to profit over progress, are some of the reasons that Punjab is on a downward spiral.

I had the opportunity a few days ago to attend a Town Hall meeting organized by NDTV, hosted by Barkha Dutt. On Friday, the 24th of June 2016, I was visiting a friend at the Panjab University Student centre where the production team of NDTV was taking a stroll as well. We bumped into a correspondent called Apta who told us about the show and asked us both to come over and attend. While the friend I was with wasn’t sure of her availability but would have attended with some persuasion (read importance) that is typical for Punjabi women, they took our details and asked us to think of questions that we would like to ask the Captain. We bid them goodbye and went on with our conversation and coffee.

About 3 hours later, I got a call from a gentleman whom I had met that afternoon with Apta, who wanted to know what question I wanted to ask. This was a bit surprising for me, since I had always assumed that the idea of a Town Hall is to have some real interactions, but I didn’t think much of it – since even in corporate town halls, this is common parlance. Now in the course of my time spent in understanding Punjab – I have heard and read through various sources, including the NASA website; regarding the extent of this problem. If you look closely and examine the Cancer menace across Punjab, it has been spreading like wildfire and a lot of reports point out to the quality of ground water as the cause behind it. According to various reports by NASA and other environmental agencies, we find that owing to factors like the cropping pattern, large scale paddy cultivation and irresponsible Govt. actions – the ground water in Punjab is depleting at a very alarming rate. It is predicted that if this trend continues and sub-soil water is not replenished – Punjab will be an Arid state in the next 20 years. I had posed this as a question to the Chief Secretary of Punjab in one of my interactions with him and it probably earned me his disfavour. Although, it was his reply that shocked me – he said “giving Tubewell connections is something every Government does to secure their vote bank. Tubewell connections in Punjab also come with free electricity. We have been doing it and it has to be done. You don’t touch that issue”

Now coming back to the phone-call. I shared with Shuaib that my question has to do with the depleting ground water level in Punjab and I would like to know the Captain’s perspective on it. He told me to think of something else as that question had already been given to somebody else. He asked me to think and send him some questions. Asking questions comes naturally and within 5- 10 minutes, I sent him 3 questions –

1.) What are the top 3 priorities that you will personally drive and monitor should the Congress come into power (this I wanted to know from the point of view that what exactly is this oldie passionate about? What will happily keep him awake in the middle of the night and what are the things where the buck stops with him.)

2.) What economic and Social indicators will you evaluate your Governments performance on? (A simple question which can answer whether he has a plan for the Govt. or not. After all, he has been CM before)

3.) Do you believe that Punjab has a serious problem with the water table declining? What steps do you propose to reverse the damage?

After about an hour, at around 8 PM, I got another call from Shuaib – saying that these 3 questions are already being asked by other people and that he would prefer that I raise a question on the Khalistan issue. He again asked me to send him a question. By this time, I was getting a bit annoyed at the back and forth but post my dinner I drafted a question and send it across to him

“What’s your stand on Khalistan and the Gurudwara’s overseas that still recognise and propagate the movement”

It was already 10 PM by the time I sent this in, and I got no more phone calls that day.

The next day was Saturday, the 25th of June, when this interaction was scheduled at 7 PM. At 10 AM that morning, I received the revised question from Shuaib which read as below:

“Recently during the anniversary of the operation blue star, some pro-khalistan slogans were raised at the Golden Temple…there is an apprehension that the Akalis can go to any extent to stop their political rivals, they have been accused of going back to the Panthic agenda….what’s your stand on Gurudwara’s overseas that still propagate the movement?”

I was amazed at how this gentleman had just manipulated my question into something entirely different from what I had intended. More so because, he never asked me if I was okay commenting on the Akalis and assumed that I would go ahead. I had no problem asking the question, since it was I who had to ask it, and I could change the context if I needed to.

At 5 PM I got yet another call from Shuaib – he wanted me to reach by 6 as there had been some changes to my question that he wanted to apprise me of. By this time by level of intrigue reached another planet altogether, so much hue and cry over 1 simple question!!!!!

I reached by around 6.15, parked my car, said hello to all the people I recognised and went to look for Shuaib to see what he had to say.

He told me there had been some more changes to my question, minor ones and I could mix the two up. I didn’t get it at the moment but since he was carrying a list that was going to be given to Barkha (the Anchor), as a guide to steer the conversation, which had all the questions listed – I asked to photograph my question and he obliged.

Here’s what the question read this time:

“Recently during the anniversary of the operation blue star some pro Khalistan slogans were raised at the Golden Temple…we have also seen Bhindrawala’s poster along with Kejriwal’s picture…are political parties going back to the Panthic agenda…what’s your stand on Gurudwara’s overseas that still propagate the movement”

Clearly – he wanted me to bring the AAP into the fray of the question along with the Akalis. Well, ironically, I never got a chance to raise this question. I’m guessing Barkha decided on the fly to skip it and move on to something else.

I also had a chance to peruse the list of questions when I met Shuaib and I was surprised to find that
1)There was no question on the water problem in the list,
2)There was no question on the Captain’s priorities, and
3)There was certainly no question on performance indicators
4)No one seemed to think the sand—mafia is worth mentionin
5)The issue of Sehajdari Sikhs being banned from voting in SGPC elections was never raised

During the TownHall, the Captain passed with flying colors – he was boisterous, lively, animated, even made jokes on some of his political rivals. In addition, he was confident of solving Punjab’s drug problem in 4 weeks – this I feel is the biggest joke of all.
If I know the way the Government functions, even the basic task of identifying non-corrupt officers who have not been touched by this drug nexus – will alone take much more than 4 weeks. Bringing down king-pins and not merely stooges is another matter altogether. He mentioned putting together a strategic task force that will ensure this initiative throws drugs out of Punjab in 4 weeks. I give him full marks on being imaginative!

I give the Media stooges who’ve lost their mojo (or sold it) – a thumbs down for responsible journalism.

The Media must be more responsible in shaping public perception, must ask the right questions, including those that they are afraid to ask, without worrying about the Corporate House or Corporation that sponsors them / owns them or gives them advertisements.

TO those who are reading this post – I APPEAL to you as a responsible citizen of the world who’s ancestors and roots are with PUNJABI heritage - Please do not think about your constituency or locality in isolation, if it hasn’t hit you now – the WATER crisis will get you sooner or later, the DRUG menace will get your loved ones and the Goons / Mafia will eat away the environment and monopolise the Industry for their own personal gain. 

Let us all work together to raise awareness and bring Conscious Punjabis on one common platform where we have a Voice that makes a difference in shaping or disrupting the efforts of corrupt and manipulative politicians and Babus.

If you ask me, I don’t think either of the 3 parties are any good the way they think and act – it’s like the only choice for us is Dr. Evil, Frankenstein and Dracula. Perhaps we need someone like Gru – to come in and change the game.

Leave your comments below. I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts.

About the Author:
Amardeep is a thought leader with experience in New Media, Media Strategy and shaping opinions. He enjoys interacting with and coaching young people to achieve the life they desire and help them meet their aspirations with integrity, zeal and hard work. He has finally decided to start sharing his works and opinion online as well. He propagates optimism and a positive approach as a pre-requisite to effective problem solving. He is available for consultations and conversations at ad@transformationquotient.org